Monday, September 26, 2011

Falling Rain

My son gave me an iPhone a few years ago and introduced me to the App, Doodley Buddy.  It sounded like something a little strange but I was up for the challenge of painting with my finger on an iPhone.  I cannot tell you how much fun it is to work with raw lively color and painting with a blaze of finger movements.  As I painted I began to see how these colorful works had the distinct feeling of weavings.  After several completed finger paintings I gathered them together for a book called, "Woven In Time".  The introduction was written with hands on my computer keys,  and with an open mind the words started to flow.  The exert below is a hint of how fabric has played a role in my continuing art quest.

"Falling Rain" iPhone Finger Painting - Not Published by Ruth Andre
Book available - "Woven In Time" 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cynthia - A Painter's Cloth

This little dress painting is "Cynthia".  I am thinking the name, Cynthia, usually gets shortened to Cindy because I only know of one Cynthia in my life and I met her on horseback when I was a child. She had a big sorrel gelding that was not so pretty but was a good mover and we covered a lot of ground together as she road Rex and I road my horse, Mittens.  Cynthia also had her soft side and she loved to dress up for parties.  This is definitely a Cynthia dress.   Enjoy "A Painter's Cloth".

Alex - A Painter's Cloth

We meet people everyday and on occasion we meet someone that is really special.  The dress painting, "Alex" is named after one of those special people.  Alex is a lady, an adventurer, an artisan, and a very smart cookie.  Alex can brighten your day and fill  you with inspiration.

"Alex"- Sold
8x6 inches, oil on canvas by Ruth Andre

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Converse Reds - A Painter's Cloth

High School in the 60's was a different place than it is today.  We did not have designer clothes or fancy running shoes and the basketball team wore Converse canvas shoes.  I remember them being black or white and thinking they were not so pretty.  Well today these athletic wonders are the in thing and come in an array of colors and patterns that make them way cool.   The painting today shows a pair of Converse high tops looking clean and ready to roll.  Enjoy, "A Painter's Cloth".

"Converse Reds" 6x6 inches, oil on canvas by Ruth Andre Sold

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pamela - A Painter's Cloth

This little formal dress takes me back to when I was in the Rainbow for Girls organization.  Rainbow Girls was a service club and the twice a month meetings members wore formals.  My best friend, Pam, was a member as well and her mother was the adult leader.  With best friend and best friend's mother involved I went to every meeting and joined up for every service club event.  I learned to serve spaghetti, appear dainty at teas and plant shrubs at the Fallbrook Hospital ground breaking.  It was a great time to be a girl.  Enjoy, "The Painter's Cloth".

"Pamela" 8x6 inches, oil on canvas by Ruth Andre Sold

Friday, September 16, 2011

Devon - A Party Dress

I have added a little dress painting today that has a sugar sweet look to it. You can feel the summer night and the cool breezes as this dress makes its debut for an evening out.  I love the girlie look and soft pink shades of color as the ruffles fold in and out.  Enjoy, "A Painters Cloth".

"Devon" 8x6 inches, oil on canvas by Ruth Andre

A Painter's Cloth - by Ruth Andre

The first post for "A Painter's Cloth" is a painting done for a group challenged
 called Moses Botkin Challenge .  We are a small group of artists and each month one of our members chooses a challenge for all of us to paint.  The September Challenge was mine and I chose, "Party Dress" for the theme.  The challenge seems to have spurred my inner thinking and the want or the need to start a new blog to celebrate cloth and what it represents in my life.  I hope to share with you in the coming posts my love of cloth, design and the act of joining life's lessons using cloth with my current art paintings to make the artist I am today.
Enjoy the group posts below for each is a keepsake all of its own.

12x6 inches, oil on canvs
 2011 by Ruth Andre

"That Party Dress" 18x24 - oil on canvas 2011 ©

"Party Dress" 9x12 pastel on paper 2011 ©

Faire Dress
16x12 oil on panel
©2011 Robin Cheers

"New Dress" Oil on hardboard 10"x12"
©2011 Diana Moses Botkin